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Patch Your Database Server to Prevent Security Vulnerability Exposure

If you're not regularly patching your database software...

You're basically guaranteed to have known security vulnerabilities 💀

The clock is ticking...I recommend your team do the following today...👇

1) Identify your database engine (e.g., SQL Server, Postgres, Oracle, etc.)

2) Determine its current patch level or version

3) Check online for security patches released since your patch was released

4) If any, plan to patch with the latest patch ASAP 📌

As an example, SQL Server has multiple security patches released for ALL recent versions. If you haven't applied them, start with the steps listed above. For Step #2, run "Select @@Server in SSMS". For Step #3, visit

You'll see the following about all 3 of the latest versions of SQL Server:

🔷 SQL Server 2017

RTM (Release to Manufacturing) (original release date) - 10/02/2017

15 SECURITY UPDATES so far (latest on 10/10/2023)

🔷 SQL Server 2019

RTM (Release to Manufacturing) (original release date) - 11/04/2019

9 SECURITY UPDATES so far (latest on 10/10/2023)

🔷 SQL Server 2022

RTM (Release to Manufacturing) (original release date) - 11/16/2022

3 SECURITY UPDATES so far (latest on 10/10/2023)

SQL Server is just an example. This applies to all major database platforms.

Let us know if you'd like any help with any of the steps above...we've done hundreds (if not thousands) of patches and can make the process quick and easy.

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